San Francisco Teen Therapy and Counseling
Help for Teenagers and Their Families
Is your teenager moody, sad, withdrawn, anxious, or acting in a self-destructive way? Are they having problems managing their feelings? Are they refusing to talk to you about what’s going on for them or asked to speak to someone about what’s troubling them?
Your teenager could benefit from therapy with a professional who specializes in working with adolescents, especially when they need to talk about the stress of being a teenager today or whatever may be bothering them. It is normal for teens to begin to separate from their parents emotionally (to try to be different from their parents). Your relationship with your child often changes in adolescence. Teenagers can be moody, critical, combative, and absent-minded, but they are also creative, energetic, and impassioned about the world and their place in it.
Kirsten works extensively with teenagers and their families, and have worked in day treatment, residential, and school based programs with teenagers. If you are considering introducing your teenager to therapy you may want to familiarize yourself with some common questions that teens have about therapy.